
심리 상담 관련 용어 교과목 영문 표현 정리

[MAVERICK] 2024. 2. 3. 08:00

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일반적으로 사용되는 표현들 위주로 조사를 해보았고요, 대학마다 실제로 사용하는 표현은 조금씩 다를 수도 있을 것 같습니다. 

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연번 교과목명 교과목 영문명
1 가족 및 부부상담 Family and Couples Counseling
2 가족문제상담 Family Problem Counseling
3 가족문제의 분석 Analysis of Family Problems
4 가족상담 Family Counseling
5 가족상담 및 창업 Family Counseling and Entrepreneurship
6 가족상담 및 치료 Family Counseling and Therapy
7 가족학연구방법론 Methodology of Family Studies
8 감각 및 지각 Sensation and Perception
9 감각 및 지각심리학 Sensation and Perception Psychology
10 건강심리학 및 실습 Health Psychology and Practice
11 고급 집단상담세미나 Advanced Group Counseling Seminar
12 고급상담심리학 Advanced Counseling Psychology
13 고도정신지체진단 및 치료 Diagnosis and Treatment of Severe Mental Retardation
14 고급집단상담세미나 Advanced Group Counseling Seminar
15 교육심리측정 Educational Psychology Measurement
16 교육심리통계 Educational Psychology Statistics
17 교육통계 및 연구법 Educational Statistics and Research Methods
18 기초 심리통계 Basic Psychology Statistics
19 기초통계 Basic Statistics
20 남성과 여성의심리학 Psychology of Men and Women
21 노인상담 Geriatric Counseling
22 노인상담실습 Geriatric Counseling Practice
23 노인심리상담 Geriatric Psychological Counseling
24 노인심리학 Geriatric Psychology
25 노화심리학 Aging Psychology
26 대상관계심리치료 Object Relations Psychotherapy
27 대인관계의 심리학 Psychology of Interpersonal Relationships
28 동기론 Theory of Motivation
29 동기와 정서 Motivation and Emotion
30 미술치료론 Art Therapy
31 미술치료특강 Special Lecture on Art Therapy
32 발달과 심리검사 Development and Psychological test
33 발달심리 Developmental Psychology
34 발달심리특론 Special Topics in Developmental Psychology
35 발달심리학세미나 Developmental Psychology Seminar
36 발달장애 심리학 Psychology of Developmental Disorders
37 발달장애진단 및 치료 Diagnosis and Treatment of Developmental Disorders
38 발달정신병리 및 치료 Developmental Psychopathology and Treatment
39 발달평가 Developmental Assessment
40 범죄심리 및 실습 Criminal Psychology and Practice
41 범죄심리 사례분석 Case Analysis in Criminal Psychology
42 범죄심리학 Criminal Psychology
43 범죄행동의 심리학 Psychology of Criminal Behavior
44 법과 인간행동 Law and Human Behavior
45 법심리학 Legal Psychology
46 법정심리학 Forensic Psychology
47 부부 및 가족미술치료 Couples and Family Art Therapy
48 사회복지조사론 Social Welfare Research Methods
49 사회실험심리학 Social Experimental Psychology
50 사회심리 Social Psychology
51 사회심리학 Social Psychology
52 사회인지 Social Cognition
53 사회조사방법 Social Survey Methods
54 사회통계학 Social Statistics
55 상담 연구방법론 Counseling Research Methods
56 상담기법 및 기술 Counseling Techniques and Skills
57 상담론연구 Study of Counseling Theory
58 상담실습 Counseling Practice
59 상담심리 및 실습 Counseling Psychology and Practice
60 상담심리 연구방법론 Counseling Psychology Research Methods
61 상담심리연구 및 통계 Counseling Psychology Research and Statistics
62 상담심리측정 및 통계실습 Counseling Psychology Measurement and Statistics Practice
63 상담심리통계 Counseling Psychology Statistics
64 상담심리학 및 실습 Counseling Psychology and Practice
65 상담심리학개론 Introduction to Counseling Psychology
66 상담심리학논문연구 Counseling Psychology Dissertation Research
67 상담심리학연구방법 Counseling Psychology Research Methods
68 상담심리학특론 Special Topics in Counseling Psychology
69 상담연구방법 Counseling Research Methods
70 상담연구방법의 기초 Fundamentals of Counseling
71 상담연구방법종합설계 Comprehensive Design of Counseling Research Methods
72 상담의이론과 실제 Theory and Practice of Counseling
73 상담이론세미나 Counseling Theory Seminar
74 상담임상현장실습 Counseling Clinical Field Practice
75 상담학 통계법의 실제 Practical Statistics for Counseling
76 상담학개론 Introduction to Counseling
77 상담훈련 Counseling Training
78 생리 및 생물심리학 Physiological and Biological Psychology
79 생물심리학 Biological Psychology
80 성격발달과 교육 Personality Development and Education
81 성격발달이론  Theory of Personality Development
82 성격심리 Personality Psychology
83 성격심리학 Personality Psychology
84 성심리와 상담 Sexuality Psychology and Counseling
85 성심리학 Sexuality Psychology
86 성인 및 노인심리학 Adult and Geriatric Psychology
87 성인노인심리학 Adult and Geriatric Psychology
88 성인상담이론 Adult Counseling Theory
89 스트레스와 적응 Stress and Adaptation
90 스트레스와 적응심리 Stress and Adaptive Psychology
91 스트레스이해와 상담 Understanding Stress and Counseling
92 신경과학 Neuroscience
93 신경생리심리학 Neurophysiological Psychology
94 신경심리평가 Neuropsychological Assessment
95 신경심리평가 및 재활 Neuropsychological Assessment and Rehabilitation
96 신경심리학 Neuropsychology
97 신경해부심리학 Neuroanatomical Psychology
98 실버상담 Silver Counseling
99 실험설계 Experimental Design
100 실험설계 및 분석 Experimental Design and Analysis
101 실험설계-어드밴처디자인 Experimental Design - Adventure Design
102 실험심리 Experimental Psychology
103 실험심리세미나 계산모델링 Computational Modeling in Experimental Psychology Seminar
104 실험심리학 Experimental Psychology
105 실험심리학 및 설계 Experimental Psychology and Design
106 실험연구법 Experimental Research Methods
107 실험정신병리학 Experimental Psychopathology
108 심리검사 및 측정 Psychological test and Measurement
109 심리검사세미나  Psychological Test Seminar
110 심리사회 통계학 Psychological Social Statistics
111 심리설계 Psychological Design
112 심리연구방법과 통계 Psychological Research Methods and Statistics
113 심리연구방법론 Psychological Research Methods
114 심리연구법 Psychological Research Methods
115 심리조사방법론 Psychological Survey Methods
116 심리진단검사 세미나 Psychological Diagnostic Test Seminar
117 심리진단실습 Psychological Diagnosis Practice
118 심리진단평가 Psychological Diagnosis and Evaluation
119 심리측정 및 평가 Psychological Measurement and Evaluation
120 심리측정과 검사 Psychological Measurement and test
121 심리치료세미나 Psychotherapy Seminar
122 심리통계 Psychological Statistics
123 심리통계 및 실습 Psychological Statistics and Practice
124 심리통계 및 연구방법론 Psychological Statistics and Research Methods
125 심리통계분석 Psychological Statistics Analysis
126 심리통계실습 Psychological Statistics Practice
127 심리통계연구법 Psychological Statistics Research Methods
128 심리통계와 데이터분석 Psychological Statistics and Data Analysis
129 심리통계학 Psychology Statistics
130 심리학 실험계획법 및 실습 Psychology Experiment Planning and Practice
131 심리학 연구방법론 Psychology Research Methods
132 심리학실험 Psychology Experiment
133 심리학실험 및 실습 Psychology Experiment and Practice
134 심리학연구방법론 및 실습 Psychology Research Methods and Practice
135 심리학연구법 Psychology Research Methods
136 심리학의 실험연구방법 Experimental Research Methods in Psychology
137 심리학현장실습 Field Practice in Psychology
138 아동 및 청소년 심리치료 Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy
139 아동 및 청소년상담 Child and Adolescent Counseling
140 아동 이상심리학 Abnormal Psychology in Children
141 아동기 이상행동 Abnormal Behavior in Childhood
142 아동발달심리학 Child Developmental Psychology
143 아동상담 Child Counseling
144 아동상담 및 치료 Child Counseling and Therapy
145 아동상담 및 치료실습 Practice of Child Counseling and Therapy
146 아동심리 및 상담 Child Psychology and Counseling
147 아동심리검사 Child Psychology Test
148 아동중심놀이치료 Child-Centered Play Therapy
149 아동청소년상담세미나 Seminar on Child and Adolescent Counseling
150 아동평가 및 진단실습 Practice of Child Evaluation and Diagnosis
151 언어심리학 Language Psychology
152 언어심리학 및 실험 Language Psychology and Experiment
153 언어치료학 Language Therapy
154 연구방법 및 심리통계(심리통계 Research Methods and Psychology Statistics
155 연구방법 및 통계 Research Methods and Statistics
156 연구방법론 Research Methods
157 연구설계 및 실습 Research Design and Practice
158 웰빙심리학 Well-being Psychology
159 응용심리통계 Applied Psychology Statistics
160 응용심리통계 및 실습 Applied Psychology Statistics and Practice
161 의사결정심리 Decision Making Psychology
162 이상심리 Abnormal Psychology
163 이상심리 세미나 Seminar on Abnormal Psychology
164 인지발달 Cognitive Development
165 인지발달연구 Research on Cognitive Development
166 인지신경과학의 기초 Fundamentals of Cognitive Neuroscience
167 인지심리학 Cognitive Psychology
168 인지학습심리학 Cognitive Learning Psychology
169 인지행동심리학 Cognitive Behavioral Psychology
170 인지-행동치료세미나 Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Seminar
171 임상 및 상담연구방법론 Clinical and Counseling Research Methods
172 임상및상담심리세미나 Clinical and Counseling Psychology Seminar
173 임상심리 Clinical Psychology
174 임상심리 및 실습 Clinical Psychology and Practice
175 임상심리학 Clinical Psychology
176 임상심리학 및 실습 Clinical Psychology and Practice
177 자료 분석 및 실습  Data Analysis and Practice
178 장애아동의 이해 Understanding Children with Disabilities
179 장애아동진단 및 평가 Diagnosis and Evaluation of Children with Disabilities
180 재활심리학 Rehabilitation Psychology
181 정서신경과학연습 Emotional Neuroscience Practice
182 정서와 트라우마 Emotion and Trauma
183 정신건강론 Mental Health Theory
184 정신분석놀이치료세미나 Seminar on Psychoanalytic Play Therapy
185 정신분석이론 Psychoanalytic Theory
186 정신역동상담과 심리치료 Psychodynamic Counseling and Psychotherapy
187 정신역동치료 Psychodynamic Therapy
188 정신재활 Mental Rehabilitation
189 정신재활 및 실습 Mental Rehabilitation and Practice
190 조사방법론 Survey Methods
191 조사분석법 Survey Analysis
192 주의와 수행세미나 Attention and Performance Seminar
193 중급심리통계 Intermediate Psychology Statistics
194 지각심리학 Perception Psychology
195 지각심리학 및 실험 Perception Psychology and Experiment
196 진로상담 Career Counseling
197 집단놀이치료 Group Play Therapy
198 집단상담 Group Counseling
199 집단상담 및 실습 Group Counseling and Practice
200 집단상담의 방법 Methods of Group Counseling
201 집단상담의이론과 실제 Theory and Practice of Group Counseling
202 청년심리학 Youth Psychology
203 청소년 정신병리 Adolescent Psychopathology
204 청소년상담 Adolescent Counseling
205 청소년심리의 이해 Understanding of Adolescent Psychology
206 청소년심리학 Adolescent Psychology
207 청소년이해론 Theory of Adolescent Understanding
208 청소년이해와 상담 Adolescent Understanding and Counseling
209 통계 및 연구방법론 Statistics and Research Methods
210 통계방법론 Statistical Methods
211 통계분석원론 Statistics Analysis
212 통계적 방법 및 실습 Statistical Methods and Practice
213 특수아상담 Special Child Counseling
214 특수아지도와 상담 Special Child Guidance and Counseling
215 표현예술심리치료 Expressive Art Psychotherapy
216 학습과 기억의심리학 및 실험 Learning and Memory Psychology and Experiment
217 학습심리 Learning Psychology
218 학습심리학 Learning Psychology
219 행동과학 Behavior Science
220 행동수정 Behavior Modification
221 행동신경과학 Behavioral Neuroscience
222 행동평가 Behavior Evaluation
223 현대사회심리학 Modern Society Psychology
224 현대사회와 언어심리학 Modern Society and Language Psychology