Foucault's work - The Order of Things - was not that of a structuralist but that is written through a structural style of analysis.
주체들의 생산과 지식의 몸체들 사이의 상호작용을 역사적으로 고찰함으로써 푸코는 개개의 창조적 주체가 지식의 생산에 있어 지속적인 구조 혹은 내용을 갖지 못했고 자율적이지도 않았다는 것을 강조하고자 하였다.
To disallow the view that the individual creative subject had not a continuous structure or content and was autonomous in the production of knowledge, by historicising the interaction between the production of subjects and bodies of knowledge.(92)
He thought of him an anti-structuralist.
Two main purposes to use the concept of the event:
1. to historcize the event by suggesting that it is a specific historical moment within a history of the interaction between subject and discourse.
2. to introduce a multi-layered analysis into the methodology.
We can see Foucault's intention to show that 'truth'and 'history' are results of the interaction between subject and discourse.
Two relations prsented:
1. relation between subject and knowledge
2. relation constituting the possibilitie of knowledge in the epoch under analysis
The attribute of Order:
질서는 언어, 지식, 그리고 주체가 서로 만나는 관계적 격자를 드러내는 분석적 '일견'에서 드러난다.
It emerges out of the analytic 'glance' which reveal the relational grid through which language, knowledge and subject encounter each other.
a phenomenological method < a multi-dimensional approach especially in the realm of dicourse in general, and scientific discourse in particular
Subjects emerge from discourse
Rather than established on continuity, unities and continuous foundations, all the knots that historians have patiently tied are untied by archaeological attempt which accept and increase the differences, blurs the lines of communication, and refuse the reduction of differences to continuous forms and elaborate them, analyse them and propose how they(differences) function in the production of knowledge(s).
독서노트/Foucault - Introduction
ch. 5 Thought from the Outside